One of many old testament books I have looked over is "Esther." Because my life involves many women, I thought I would read "Esther"; also - it is a very short read. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. It has all the action of a hollywood movie. Due to a queen's refusal to come before the king (after a 7 day banquet party), Esther received the opportunity to become a leader of the jews and a Queen to King Xerxes. When her jewish people were in fear for their lives, she knew the right thing to do, but was afraid.
Her cousin Mordecai spoke to her in chapter 4, verse 14:"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"Mordecai had hope for the Jewish people, that they would find relief and deliverance. God would work out his plan, but Esther wouldn't get the chance to be a part of it. Also- she came into this unexpected position- from a regular Jewish girl to the Queen of King Xerxes (ruler of 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush).
1. God wants everyone to come to him, but knows that some will not. Since I know the "big picture," I can either be a part of "it" (member of God's family, a kingdom builder, a committed disciple) OR just sit back and let time roll on.I enjoy leading. I enjoy following passionate leaders. I don't want my life to be like vanilla (sorry vanilla eaters). At the end of my life, I want to know that I took as many opportunities to serve others; I stood up for what was right; I loved/led my family and loved others. Yes- I want to be a part of of "relief and deliverance" for people in my life.
2. Are we in positions we never thought we would be?? I am a business owner with much responsibility and great rewards for my hard work. I get to help people with all sorts of needs. I get to serve my employees, clients and others I come into contact with. 15 years - I was working the easiest job I could find, making horrible decisions and living a sad,lonely life. YES- I am in a "royal" position. Despite my decisions, God brought me through a bad car accident and many other experiences. He delivered my physically and I am walking with him spiritually. Who is my Mordecai? probably James Nored. He asks me the tough questions and loves me and challenges me.
1. Do you see your social or professional situation as an opportunity to bring "relief and deliverance" to others?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Can you have the most fun of your life legally?
I was driving down the road the other day on 291 hwy. A big billboard for a local haunted house called "The Edge of Hell" jumped out at me. Along with scary pictures and the typical skeleton pictures, was their tagline: "The most fun you can have.... legally."
At first I thought this may just be a funny way to attract attention, but then I realised that with all the stress, problems, broken relationships in the world, there are people who view "real fun" as the type that is illegal to do. What types of illegal activities? Drugs like pot, cocaine or prostitution???? I wonder what a young person would think viewing that billboard. The culture (tv ads, billboards, people in our lives) all provide an opportunity for us to talk with our children or teens or adult friends. We can talk about the hurt in the world and the way people (including Christians) try to "cure" their hurt.
What images, billboards, commercials or people in your life have you used to illustrate a point or start a conversation with your child or friend about our culture, and ultimately about the only true cure- a relationship with Jesus Christ?
At first I thought this may just be a funny way to attract attention, but then I realised that with all the stress, problems, broken relationships in the world, there are people who view "real fun" as the type that is illegal to do. What types of illegal activities? Drugs like pot, cocaine or prostitution???? I wonder what a young person would think viewing that billboard. The culture (tv ads, billboards, people in our lives) all provide an opportunity for us to talk with our children or teens or adult friends. We can talk about the hurt in the world and the way people (including Christians) try to "cure" their hurt.
What images, billboards, commercials or people in your life have you used to illustrate a point or start a conversation with your child or friend about our culture, and ultimately about the only true cure- a relationship with Jesus Christ?
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Presidential Race- how will you accept the final decision?
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 18 months, you realize that we have 2 main options for President of the United States of America.
How do you decide who to vote for? How do you prioritize the issues? I think about national security, the economy, taxes. I think about social security although I am only 36 and don't believe it will be there when I am 70. Of course social security was set up to be 1 tool for retirement income, not the whole enchilada. I think a little about healthcare. I have had health insurance my whole life (except for ages 22-25 when I thought i was invincible and didn't want to fork out the dollars for it). I sought out jobs that had healthcare as a benefit.
The older issues of abortion, the death penalty,etc.. don't get much press. With the war, the economy crisis and immigration concerns, the next president will have his hands full.
DOES IT REALLY MATTER? If your pick doesn't get into the white house, will it affect your spiritual health, your physical/mental/emotional health, your family's health? Will you complain and moan about the new president and his decisions. Will you not show respect to the office of the presidency. If you have children, they will see this. They learn from watching us. Our friends will also see us latching our happiness onto a man. No matter who gets into the White House, he will let us down at some point. Hey- we all make mistakes.
I have resolved myself to live my life the same, be grateful for the same blessings God has given me, handle the challenges of life the same way no matter who makes it into the White House.
Can we get too emotionally tied into a presidential race?
How do you decide who to vote for? How do you prioritize the issues? I think about national security, the economy, taxes. I think about social security although I am only 36 and don't believe it will be there when I am 70. Of course social security was set up to be 1 tool for retirement income, not the whole enchilada. I think a little about healthcare. I have had health insurance my whole life (except for ages 22-25 when I thought i was invincible and didn't want to fork out the dollars for it). I sought out jobs that had healthcare as a benefit.
The older issues of abortion, the death penalty,etc.. don't get much press. With the war, the economy crisis and immigration concerns, the next president will have his hands full.
DOES IT REALLY MATTER? If your pick doesn't get into the white house, will it affect your spiritual health, your physical/mental/emotional health, your family's health? Will you complain and moan about the new president and his decisions. Will you not show respect to the office of the presidency. If you have children, they will see this. They learn from watching us. Our friends will also see us latching our happiness onto a man. No matter who gets into the White House, he will let us down at some point. Hey- we all make mistakes.
I have resolved myself to live my life the same, be grateful for the same blessings God has given me, handle the challenges of life the same way no matter who makes it into the White House.
Can we get too emotionally tied into a presidential race?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What's the rush? We are here for a little while.
Hello all. I have been out of the blogging loop for some time now. Very busy with work. I am able to help families plan for uncertain times, while also helping them to recover from tragedies and devastation.
Over the past 2 months, I've had 2 clients die and 1 client diagnosed with a brain tumor.
A 42 yr old died while working in his business on a trailer. He was under the large utility trailer and it fell off the jack and onto his head. 2 kids, no life insurance. I talked to him many times about life insurance, but also about life in general, his thoughts on life, spirituality,etc.. He never knew he would lose his life at the age of 42.
Another of my clients is a great guy in his 70's. He led his family and provided for them in every way. He was loved by family,friend,church members and the community. He won the top award years ago in selling cars. Very humble, Christ-centered and compassionate. He touched many lives along the way. He died last weekend.
One of my clients is an energetic, fun-loving, Christian gal in her late 20's. She has had some medical concerns for a year or so, and just found out a few months ago that she has a brain tumor. I spent 4 hours with her a few weeks ago. She talked about what she has learned since this "journey" began. She will learn more at her next dr appointment. What plan of action to take, what the chances are of beating this, what surgeries need to be done,etc..
She is scared, yes. Her husband loves and supports her. She tells me of the family issues she has dealt with and worked through. She taught me that day. It is about the trip, the way we treat others, the ethical way we approach situations, the joy we can bring to others, the lessons we learn, the lessons we help teach others,etc..
We are all busy going from point A to point B. Maybe it's getting my business to the next stage of success, getting my daughter from basic dance to the next advanced level, getting the bigger office or car or paycheck. Maybe it's something that is good in itself: driving on a family vacation. When I was a kid, I enjoyed the trip as much and maybe more than the destination. We bond during the "trip" of life.
Question: What can we do to build stronger bonds with our family and friends instead of just rushing through goal books and through life?
Over the past 2 months, I've had 2 clients die and 1 client diagnosed with a brain tumor.
A 42 yr old died while working in his business on a trailer. He was under the large utility trailer and it fell off the jack and onto his head. 2 kids, no life insurance. I talked to him many times about life insurance, but also about life in general, his thoughts on life, spirituality,etc.. He never knew he would lose his life at the age of 42.
Another of my clients is a great guy in his 70's. He led his family and provided for them in every way. He was loved by family,friend,church members and the community. He won the top award years ago in selling cars. Very humble, Christ-centered and compassionate. He touched many lives along the way. He died last weekend.
One of my clients is an energetic, fun-loving, Christian gal in her late 20's. She has had some medical concerns for a year or so, and just found out a few months ago that she has a brain tumor. I spent 4 hours with her a few weeks ago. She talked about what she has learned since this "journey" began. She will learn more at her next dr appointment. What plan of action to take, what the chances are of beating this, what surgeries need to be done,etc..
She is scared, yes. Her husband loves and supports her. She tells me of the family issues she has dealt with and worked through. She taught me that day. It is about the trip, the way we treat others, the ethical way we approach situations, the joy we can bring to others, the lessons we learn, the lessons we help teach others,etc..
We are all busy going from point A to point B. Maybe it's getting my business to the next stage of success, getting my daughter from basic dance to the next advanced level, getting the bigger office or car or paycheck. Maybe it's something that is good in itself: driving on a family vacation. When I was a kid, I enjoyed the trip as much and maybe more than the destination. We bond during the "trip" of life.
Question: What can we do to build stronger bonds with our family and friends instead of just rushing through goal books and through life?
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Busier, the Happier??????

Everywhere we look- billboards, internet, magazines, ipods, stores, etc.- we get the useful information about how we can be richer, be happier, look better, attract a better partner and even reach self-actualization. All too often, I find it is so easy to focus on me. The busier I am, the more I focus on me. What do I want, need, deserve?? Hey- I take care of my famliy. How about a little "Matt-time"?
If only it was as easy as buying the right clothes, getting the right car, the best marketing plan for my business and reading the right self-help book by a mega-millionaire (fyi- it's amazing how much you can learn about life and happiness from reading a book written by God, in his best-selling book: The Bible).
We travel between working at our job, t-ball, dance, karate, pta meetings, church committee meetings, church services, work some nights, birthday parties and on and on. Then, there is mowing the yard, cleaning the house, eating, cleaning up. My wife stays at home with our 3 kids-she should be writing this blog. Maybe we would be happy with less quantity and more quality? In business and in church, I have found that it is better to be great at a few things, than to be rushed and barely ok on many things. Many times, it seems I am rushed and get stressed because of pushing too much into the schedule.
What do you think? Would you be happier, be closer to your family and God if your schedule was lighter????? Have you taken steps to do this??
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Woahh- is that Mike Seaver
Ahh the 1980's. Great shows like "Growing Pains" allowed us to see a family deal with the struggles of juggling all of life's responsibilites. The star was Kirk Cameron. As a young person, Kirk was an atheist. Years later, after studying and investigating Christianity, he become a Christian.
Kirk and a friend have teamed up and they have a website: There are some great videos of him and his friend witnessing to others. One of them is even in a pretty rough area. If Kirk can stand up for Jesus and face persecution and ridicule from the Hollywood establishment, maybe I can share the gospel, stand up for what is right, reach out to a hurting person who needs to hear about true love and hope.
Check out the website listed above. You may not agree 100% with Kirk, but you will see 1 way of witnessing to others. Kirk isn't doing this for fame or money. He cares about people.
Kirk leads with talking about the 10 commandments and how that person has broken some of them. Then he goes into the problem and the solution.
What way(s) do you find to be the best strategy for witnessing to someone?
Kirk and a friend have teamed up and they have a website: There are some great videos of him and his friend witnessing to others. One of them is even in a pretty rough area. If Kirk can stand up for Jesus and face persecution and ridicule from the Hollywood establishment, maybe I can share the gospel, stand up for what is right, reach out to a hurting person who needs to hear about true love and hope.
Check out the website listed above. You may not agree 100% with Kirk, but you will see 1 way of witnessing to others. Kirk isn't doing this for fame or money. He cares about people.
Kirk leads with talking about the 10 commandments and how that person has broken some of them. Then he goes into the problem and the solution.
What way(s) do you find to be the best strategy for witnessing to someone?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Great Expectations- map for Disaster
As many of you know, I am a father of 3 great kids. Occassionally our 2 year old will choose to challenge the dictatorship I have established. A week ago, our family (me, the wife and 3 kids) all went swimming. We didn't set a time limit and ended up staying there for 1 and 1/2 hours. We got out of the pool around 12:30pm which meant we still had to do lunch.
Jen decided we should walk to the pool. So we walked home from the pool with the older kids whining from hunger and our 2 yr old screaming and kicking. I was very ticked off. I told the 2 yr old that she was in trouble and she was going to sit in the corner when we got home..... and go to bed early.... and not have her teddy bear.
Do you think I was realistic to expect my 2 yr old to be patient?????? We spent too much time at the pool. And, we got home after their normal lunch time. I reacted to a situation by focusing on how I wanted things to be. I wasn't realistic. I would like to drop 30 lbs in 6 weeks, have a wildly successful business, a perfect marriage, God-fearing-talented-caring children, friends who agree with me all the time, the ability to build a deck in a weekend.... Being realistic is not being negative. We can all learn, grow and set goals, and work towards them. God gives each one a gift. Maybe we would like someone else's gift. That may be our expectation- that God will give us a different gift. Maybe a gift that someone in the church with popularity has. I will never probably be able to preach like James Nored, but I can grow in my communication skills. I can learn to teach and lead small groups. Each part of the body is valuable.
Does some of the stress in our lives come from unrealistic expectations of how our life "should" be? Or our marriages,etc...
Jen decided we should walk to the pool. So we walked home from the pool with the older kids whining from hunger and our 2 yr old screaming and kicking. I was very ticked off. I told the 2 yr old that she was in trouble and she was going to sit in the corner when we got home..... and go to bed early.... and not have her teddy bear.
Do you think I was realistic to expect my 2 yr old to be patient?????? We spent too much time at the pool. And, we got home after their normal lunch time. I reacted to a situation by focusing on how I wanted things to be. I wasn't realistic. I would like to drop 30 lbs in 6 weeks, have a wildly successful business, a perfect marriage, God-fearing-talented-caring children, friends who agree with me all the time, the ability to build a deck in a weekend.... Being realistic is not being negative. We can all learn, grow and set goals, and work towards them. God gives each one a gift. Maybe we would like someone else's gift. That may be our expectation- that God will give us a different gift. Maybe a gift that someone in the church with popularity has. I will never probably be able to preach like James Nored, but I can grow in my communication skills. I can learn to teach and lead small groups. Each part of the body is valuable.
Does some of the stress in our lives come from unrealistic expectations of how our life "should" be? Or our marriages,etc...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Pig Poop & other stuff
My wife, Jennifer, had gotten a haircut. She went quite a bit shorter than usual. I took our 3 daughters to Iowa (on the farm) for the weekend to give Jen time with her college friends. They have an annual girls weekend. When we got home, my 5-old daughter looked at her mom's haircut. She exclaimed, "Well-- I guess I can get use to it. I did get use to the smell of pig poop.
Anyone who has been raised on a farm, lived in a rural community or visited a farm knows that there are many odors which can be encountered. My girls would mention the smell of the pigs every time we went outside. After a few days, they didn't mention it anymore. They were used to it.
A few years ago, my oldest daughter (then age 3), wanted to do something with our neighbor friends. I asked her if she would jump off a cliff if Curtis and Cara did. She replied, "Yes, if I had my swimsuit on."
What have I learned? Kids say the darndest things. Ok, Art Linkletter popularized that statement. There is some wisdom though in some of the things our kids say.
1. PPP- (pig poop principle): Not everything in life is easy and fun. Suck it up and get through it. After awhile, it will be no big deal.
2. CJP- (Cliff Jumping Principle): Always consider your options.
What are some funny or unexpected statements you've heard from kids?
Anyone who has been raised on a farm, lived in a rural community or visited a farm knows that there are many odors which can be encountered. My girls would mention the smell of the pigs every time we went outside. After a few days, they didn't mention it anymore. They were used to it.
A few years ago, my oldest daughter (then age 3), wanted to do something with our neighbor friends. I asked her if she would jump off a cliff if Curtis and Cara did. She replied, "Yes, if I had my swimsuit on."
What have I learned? Kids say the darndest things. Ok, Art Linkletter popularized that statement. There is some wisdom though in some of the things our kids say.
1. PPP- (pig poop principle): Not everything in life is easy and fun. Suck it up and get through it. After awhile, it will be no big deal.
2. CJP- (Cliff Jumping Principle): Always consider your options.
What are some funny or unexpected statements you've heard from kids?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Expelled- the movie

The movie asserts that several college professors have been fired or denied tenure based on their decision to "consider" intelligent design as 1 theory for how life started. It is a documentary and very dry. Richard Dawkins, a prominent atheist, is interviewed heavily by Stein.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding this film. The media gives the movie horrible reviews. Ben Stein, the actor, was a lawyer and even worked as a speech writer for Richard Nixon. During the documentary, the scientists say that anyone who considers intelligent design as an option for how humans were created, is an idiot. Dawkins even claims that possible aliens (a higher life form from another planet) came to earth and seeded it. He didn't have any ideas about how the higher life forms came to be.
According to Dawkins, the producer and Ben Stein tricked him and others into participating in the interviews. The movie title was a different title and the interviewers appeared to support science. That is why several of the anti-intelligent design scientists agreed to talk to the interviewers. Many people who believe in intelligent design (that a higher power like God created the world and life) also believe in evolution. The trick is how "evolution" is defined. Some define it as the end-all be-all of life. Some define it meerly as a theory for how animals adapt and 'evolve' through each generation.
The scientists in this film who were "exposed" won't even say that there is a 1% chance that a higher power (like God) created life. They say life came from crystals. But, where did the crystals come from? This is a great movie to get people thinking- no matter what your views are. I loved how Stein separated the religion part from the debate. He just couldn't believe that these brainy scientists wouldn't consider at all the chance that a higher power created life. Not even a .1111 chance.
I know 1 atheist. He is a great guy- moral, honest and takes care of his family. Maybe I have other athiest friends, but they don't bring it up. It has been probably 10 years since I have even had a conversation about big bang versus God creating the earth.
How do you think life began? When's the last time someone challenged your belief and how did you react?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Clinton VS. Obama- Who won? Is Faith a deciding factor?
Last night, I watched the Democratic Debate between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. The debate started off with a 45 minute barrage of questions about Obama's statements about people being bitter and clinging to guns and religion, his relationship with his pastor, his relationship with a professor who was part of a bombing 40 years ago and a few other items.
The debate is being hailed as one of the worst, if not THE worst debate ever. While I believe anyone running for President should be fully researched, I care more about their previous voting patterns, philosophy of governing and ideas for how to manage the war, spur on the economy and help me keep more of my hard earned dollars.
Our presidents have always had a link to a certain church- many have been protestants and JFK was Catholic. While Ronald Regan was heralded as the best president by many conservatives (many of which are Christians), Nancy Reagan consulted astrologists. This is never talked about by Christian Republicans.
I would like to have a president that believed exactly like me, but is that realistic. His/her philosophy and ideas and pattern for success matter more to me than what church he goes to. Even if a policitican is a "member" of a church, what does that prove?
First Question: Who do you think won the debate?
Second Question: Is a person's religious doctrine/association more important to you than their stance on the issues? Would you vote for someone of your faith even if you disagreed with them on the issues??
The debate is being hailed as one of the worst, if not THE worst debate ever. While I believe anyone running for President should be fully researched, I care more about their previous voting patterns, philosophy of governing and ideas for how to manage the war, spur on the economy and help me keep more of my hard earned dollars.
Our presidents have always had a link to a certain church- many have been protestants and JFK was Catholic. While Ronald Regan was heralded as the best president by many conservatives (many of which are Christians), Nancy Reagan consulted astrologists. This is never talked about by Christian Republicans.
I would like to have a president that believed exactly like me, but is that realistic. His/her philosophy and ideas and pattern for success matter more to me than what church he goes to. Even if a policitican is a "member" of a church, what does that prove?
First Question: Who do you think won the debate?
Second Question: Is a person's religious doctrine/association more important to you than their stance on the issues? Would you vote for someone of your faith even if you disagreed with them on the issues??
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Barack Obama praises George Bush the 1st
Yesterday Senator Obama addressed a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania. He answered many questions from the group of veterans about the underfunding of the VA, the nasty campaigning & the racist type comments uttered by a fellow congressman (
Senator Obama has run an honorable campaign and hasn't resorted to the nastiness which we have seen and see today. He didn't raise a ruckus about the comments being racist although the comment is clearly racist (use of the word "boy" to describe a 47 yr old senator).
When asked about the Iraq war and the cost in lives and dollars, Senator Obama recognized that George HW Bush (the 1st) did it right. Back during the Gulf War, the executive branch took their time, calculated the cost, listened to all views (even dissenting views) and executed a plan down to the details.
Barack said that it doesn't matter if someone is Republican or Democrat, many of the issues we are facing today (war, mortgage crisis, gas prices,etc..) are not partisan issues. Sure, he is hoping to get more Republican support, but I believed him yesterday.
Do you support Barack? What are the top 2 things you look for in a presidential candidate?
Senator Obama has run an honorable campaign and hasn't resorted to the nastiness which we have seen and see today. He didn't raise a ruckus about the comments being racist although the comment is clearly racist (use of the word "boy" to describe a 47 yr old senator).
When asked about the Iraq war and the cost in lives and dollars, Senator Obama recognized that George HW Bush (the 1st) did it right. Back during the Gulf War, the executive branch took their time, calculated the cost, listened to all views (even dissenting views) and executed a plan down to the details.
Barack said that it doesn't matter if someone is Republican or Democrat, many of the issues we are facing today (war, mortgage crisis, gas prices,etc..) are not partisan issues. Sure, he is hoping to get more Republican support, but I believed him yesterday.
Do you support Barack? What are the top 2 things you look for in a presidential candidate?
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