The movie asserts that several college professors have been fired or denied tenure based on their decision to "consider" intelligent design as 1 theory for how life started. It is a documentary and very dry. Richard Dawkins, a prominent atheist, is interviewed heavily by Stein.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding this film. The media gives the movie horrible reviews. Ben Stein, the actor, was a lawyer and even worked as a speech writer for Richard Nixon. During the documentary, the scientists say that anyone who considers intelligent design as an option for how humans were created, is an idiot. Dawkins even claims that possible aliens (a higher life form from another planet) came to earth and seeded it. He didn't have any ideas about how the higher life forms came to be.
According to Dawkins, the producer and Ben Stein tricked him and others into participating in the interviews. The movie title was a different title and the interviewers appeared to support science. That is why several of the anti-intelligent design scientists agreed to talk to the interviewers. Many people who believe in intelligent design (that a higher power like God created the world and life) also believe in evolution. The trick is how "evolution" is defined. Some define it as the end-all be-all of life. Some define it meerly as a theory for how animals adapt and 'evolve' through each generation.
The scientists in this film who were "exposed" won't even say that there is a 1% chance that a higher power (like God) created life. They say life came from crystals. But, where did the crystals come from? This is a great movie to get people thinking- no matter what your views are. I loved how Stein separated the religion part from the debate. He just couldn't believe that these brainy scientists wouldn't consider at all the chance that a higher power created life. Not even a .1111 chance.
I know 1 atheist. He is a great guy- moral, honest and takes care of his family. Maybe I have other athiest friends, but they don't bring it up. It has been probably 10 years since I have even had a conversation about big bang versus God creating the earth.
How do you think life began? When's the last time someone challenged your belief and how did you react?
I will need to rent this movie--it sounds interesting. have you heard of the Creation Musuem in Ohio? It is a huge, elaborate musuem based on the intelligent theory and shows how the earth and all beings were created according to the Biblical timelines. Not sure of their web site but you can goggle it.
Hey, I left a comment on here yesterday, but I guess it disappeared.
Anyway, I need to see this movie. I just recently started Dawkins' book The God Delusion. I also got a question about this book from one of our members.
Despite the recent interest, atheism is not very prevalent in America today. People are much more likely to ask, which God? rather than say there isn't a God.
Amy- thanks for the heads up on the Creation Museum in Ohio (http://www.creationmuseum.org/). WOW- this will go on our vacation agenda for the near future. Cool to see they devote alot of space and time to the subject of dinosaurs. People are searching for open and honest discussion, don't you think? Instead of some emotional response out of fear/anger that shows a weakness in our faith. We, as Christians, should weigh out all the facts and ideas as we discuss any concept.
James- great to hear from you. I have read some info on Richard Dawkins' site. It seems he really feels sorry for Christians or any group of people who have a faith in and a devotion to someone greater than themself. He is a "freethinker" (interesting term). It is defined as: Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that beliefs should be formed on the basis of science and logic and not be influenced by emotion, authority, tradition, or any dogma.
Dawkins basis on science and reason is itself a faith. It is faith in science and reason. Ironic, isn't it?
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm a huge Ben Stein fan. Honestly, I'll probably end up renting it. May is a tough month for movies. Iron Man last weekend, Speed Racer this weekend, Prince Caspian next weekend and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Skull the following weekend.
What I like is that if you dig a little, Stein's been around and he's incredibly smart. I'm going to hold my opinion of the movie until I've seen it, but I believe it's most likely going to be good in our "Someone Shut Up Michael Moore Please" society.
Love the idea of sparking good conversation and not soaking it all down with fear. The best thing we can teach our kids about the world is to question everything and discuss the options...it's the only way to truly find yourself in this world. Whether or not people agree, it is always better to get a wide range of ideas then to live in a box and accept others ideas as fact.
I really want to see this movie!!
Marc- you are the one person i can turn to for an official movie review. yes- Ben Stein is very smart. It's a great movie. Let me know what you think after you rent it.
Jess- welcome. Your comments remind me of when I was in high-school. I would get upset and emotional in discussing opinions and ideas. My dad, a preacher and great public speaker, told me that by getting angry and emotional- I was only showing my lack of belief in my own views. Preach on with your comment about teaching our kids. We don't want a bunch of drones "drinking the koolaid."
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