Everywhere we look- billboards, internet, magazines, ipods, stores, etc.- we get the useful information about how we can be richer, be happier, look better, attract a better partner and even reach self-actualization. All too often, I find it is so easy to focus on me. The busier I am, the more I focus on me. What do I want, need, deserve?? Hey- I take care of my famliy. How about a little "Matt-time"?
If only it was as easy as buying the right clothes, getting the right car, the best marketing plan for my business and reading the right self-help book by a mega-millionaire (fyi- it's amazing how much you can learn about life and happiness from reading a book written by God, in his best-selling book: The Bible).
We travel between working at our job, t-ball, dance, karate, pta meetings, church committee meetings, church services, work some nights, birthday parties and on and on. Then, there is mowing the yard, cleaning the house, eating, cleaning up. My wife stays at home with our 3 kids-she should be writing this blog. Maybe we would be happy with less quantity and more quality? In business and in church, I have found that it is better to be great at a few things, than to be rushed and barely ok on many things. Many times, it seems I am rushed and get stressed because of pushing too much into the schedule.
What do you think? Would you be happier, be closer to your family and God if your schedule was lighter????? Have you taken steps to do this??
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