Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is God a God of Order?

Yes- I believe that our God is a God of order. Many times I hear people say that they got an idea "from God" and are going head-first towards taking action. Now, I am not saying that God doesn't prompt people through various means (people, the Holy Spirit, praying), but as we are to worship and use our heart and strength- we are also to use our mind.

In the book of Esther (Old Testament in the Bible) we learn about Esther who became a queen. She was the only hope for the jewish people. She was going to enter the king's prescense uninvited (which usually meant death) and ask him to spare the jewish people from the slaughter that had been decreed by Haman (who was climbing the corporate ladder fast and hated the jews especially because Mordecai (a jew) would not bow to Haman).

Before she approached her husband, the King, she and her servants fasted for 3 days. Now, I haven't fasted that much, and I'm not saying that before taking an action you must wait a few days. I am saying that our outreach will probably be more effective with prayer and some planning.

Has there been a time when you wish you had prepared more, before taking action???

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