The movie asserts that several college professors have been fired or denied tenure based on their decision to "consider" intelligent design as 1 theory for how life started. It is a documentary and very dry. Richard Dawkins, a prominent atheist, is interviewed heavily by Stein.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding this film. The media gives the movie horrible reviews. Ben Stein, the actor, was a lawyer and even worked as a speech writer for Richard Nixon. During the documentary, the scientists say that anyone who considers intelligent design as an option for how humans were created, is an idiot. Dawkins even claims that possible aliens (a higher life form from another planet) came to earth and seeded it. He didn't have any ideas about how the higher life forms came to be.
According to Dawkins, the producer and Ben Stein tricked him and others into participating in the interviews. The movie title was a different title and the interviewers appeared to support science. That is why several of the anti-intelligent design scientists agreed to talk to the interviewers. Many people who believe in intelligent design (that a higher power like God created the world and life) also believe in evolution. The trick is how "evolution" is defined. Some define it as the end-all be-all of life. Some define it meerly as a theory for how animals adapt and 'evolve' through each generation.
The scientists in this film who were "exposed" won't even say that there is a 1% chance that a higher power (like God) created life. They say life came from crystals. But, where did the crystals come from? This is a great movie to get people thinking- no matter what your views are. I loved how Stein separated the religion part from the debate. He just couldn't believe that these brainy scientists wouldn't consider at all the chance that a higher power created life. Not even a .1111 chance.
I know 1 atheist. He is a great guy- moral, honest and takes care of his family. Maybe I have other athiest friends, but they don't bring it up. It has been probably 10 years since I have even had a conversation about big bang versus God creating the earth.
How do you think life began? When's the last time someone challenged your belief and how did you react?